Firefox build:
- Download
- Using below Site:
- Use python code to download
- To build
- Created new file ""mozconfig" with below content
- To run:
- export MOZCONFIG=/home/labuser/image/software/firefox-68.0/mozconfig
- ./mach build
- Dependencies
- Python 3.5
- GCC 6.1
- To install Latest gcc, pull code using svn
- To checkout:
- svn checkout svn://
- Dependencies:
- Run below command it will download:
- ./contrib/download_prerequisites
- Build:
- ./configure --program-suffix=-9 -> This option create gcc as gcc9
- Make (It take 3hr to build, may be can use "make -j 2")
- In this place not able found the gcc or gcc-9 image.
- Make install
- Now gcc-9 -v shows the version 9 gcc. Worked
- Multiple gcc
- After install still facing firefox not build, becase it uses /usr/bin/gcc
- So gave below symbolic link & G++ also
- ln -s /usr/local/bin/gcc-9 gcc
- sudo apt-get install libpulse-dev
- curl -sSf | sh
- To install cbindgen dependen rust.
- cargo install --force cbindgen
- How it checking the dependency in python
- checking for rustc... not found
- checking for libpulse... Yes -> Need to investiage how they check.
- pulseaudio = pkg_check_modules('MOZ_PULSEAUDIO', 'libpulse', when='--enable-pulseaudio')
- build/moz.configure/pkg.configure has definition.
- Calling place:
- sys.exit(main(sys.argv))
-, 'moz.configure'))
- To check programs:
- check_prog('TAR', ('gnutar', 'gtar', 'tar'))